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Sinusitis and Homeopathy

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Sinusitis is inflammation of the linings of the sinuses that surround the nose. It is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of one or more of the sinuses. The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull behind the bones of the face and forehead that open up into the nasal cavity. They are lined with the mucous membrane and it produces a slimy secretion called as mucus to keep the nasal passageways moist and to trap dirt particles.

There are four main sets of sinuses :
1. The frontal sinuses are on either side of the forehead, above the eyes.
2. The maxillary sinuses are in each cheekbone. The maxillary sinuses are the largest of the sinuses and the most commonly affected by sinusitis.
3. The smaller ethmoid sinuses are behind the bridge of the nose, between the eyes.
4. The sphenoid sinuses are between the upper part of the nose and behind the eyes.

1. Acute- Sinusitis lasting anything from a few days up to a month is called acute sinusitis.
2. Chronic- When it is an ongoing problem lasting three months or more it is termed chronic sinusitis.

Sinusitis is one of the most common problems of the respiratory system. It can affect people of any age, although children have very small or non-existent sinuses until the age of around five or six, so tend not to get sinusitis.

Causes :
The mucus that is produced by the mucous membranes in your sinuses normally drains into the nose through small holes called ostia. The ostia can become blocked if the sinuses get inflamed. This can happen if the membranes are irritated by something allergic, such as pollen, or an infection. Most sessions of acute sinusitis are caused by an infection such as a cold.

Chronic sinusitis is caused by anything that constantly or regularly irritates the lining of the nose and so results in inflammation of the mucous membranes.

The irritants include :
1. infection with bacteria, viruses or fungi
2. grass and tree pollen
3. overuse of nasal decongestants
4. chronic drug misuse
5. People who have allergy-based asthma often have chronic sinusitis as well. Definitely, any problem with the nose that blocks the drainage holes can cause sinusitis.

Symptoms :

1. The main symptom of sinusitis is a throbbing pain and pressure in the face, which is worse bending forwards.
2. A blocked nose with discoloured mucus, which tends to drain down the back of the nose into the throat.
3. Frequent headaches.
4. Reduced sense of smell.
5. Cold symptoms that don’t respond to treatment.
6. Very rarely, the infection can spread to the facial bones or the meninges.
7. Also very rarely, sinusitis can spread to form an abscess in an eye socket, the brain or a facial bone.
8. Frontal sinusitis can cause pain above eyebrows, and forehead may be tender to touch.
9. Maxillary sinusitis can cause upper jaw, teeth and cheeks to ache and may be mistaken for toothache.
10. Inflammation of the ethmoid sinuses can cause pain around and between eyes and the sides of nose.
11. Inflammation of the sphenoid sinus can cause ache behind eyes, at the top of head or in temples. One may also have earache and neck pain.

Diagnosis :
X-rays, MRI or CT scans.

Nasal endoscopy may also be used to diagnose chronic sinusitis.

Homoeopathic Management: the following are the chief remedies for treatment of sinusitis,

1. Kali Bich
2. Silicea
3. Iodum : Sinusitis with shooting,hammering pain in head and lower jaw, especially during attack of catrrah,worse by bending forward. It affects right side of the head,ear and lower jaw.
4. Kali Iod : tearing or jerking stitches in sinuses. Digging and aching coryza occurs repeatedly. Nose red and swollen. Discharge thick green and offensive.